What are the associated bylaws?
South Cowichan Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 3510
The area of the Bamberton Lands and marine foreshore where the former cement plant and associated facilities were located are designated in the South Cowichan Official Community Plan as “Industrial.” This designation allows for a variety of industrial uses and industrial zones. With respect to industrial uses that may involve hazardous goods, Policy 16.5 states:
New industries considered hazardous due to the transport, handling, bulk storage, or use of liquefied natural gas, radioactive or other dangerous or toxic materials will not be permitted to locate within the Plan areas.
The remainder of the Bamberton Lands outside of the industrially designates areas are designated Rural Resource. The Rural Residential designation is primarily intended for forestry and other natural resources uses. Liquefied natural gas facilities or similar type uses are not identified as an appropriate use.

South Cowichan Zoning Bylaw No. 3520
The Bamberton lands on the east side of the Trans Canada Highway have a number of different zoning designations. These include Heavy Industrial 2 (I-2), Bamberton Light Industrial 1A Zone (I-1A), Rural Resource 1 (RUR-1) and Rural Resource (RUR-2). The water surface of the Saanich Inlet adjacent to the Bamberton Lands is zoned Heavy Industrial (I-2) and Marine Conservation 1 (W-1). None of the zones that apply to the Bamberton Lands or the water surface adjacent to the Bamberton Lands permit the storage and distribution of liquefied natural gas.
