Arbutus Mountain Estates Sanitary Sewer System

Arbutus Mountain Estates-wastewater treatment facility

Arbutus Mountain Estates Sewer System services the residential development 'Estates of Shawnigan Station' located south of Shawnigan Lake on Shawnigan Lake Road in Area B. There are 172 customers located in the service area.

System Overview

The Arbutus Mountain Estates sanitary system consists of a gravity sewage collection system, untreated sanitary sewer lift station, wastewater treatment plant, treated sanitary sewer lift station, sanitary forcemain, and sanitary drainage field. 

Every service is connected to a sanitary gravity main which directs sewage to the untreated sanitary sewer lift station to be pumped into the wastewater treatment plant. Treated effluent from the plant flows by gravity to the treated sanitary lift station to be pumped through a forcemain pipe to the drainage fields.

Critical equipment is monitored 24-hours a day for malfunctions (such as pump failures); if such an abnormality occurs an alarm is sent to the on-duty pager to alert CVRD-staff for immediate response. 

Annual Charges

Billing Period Billing DateUser Fee per Billing Period *Parcel Tax**Annual Fee
(User Fee and Parcel)
January 1-June 30March 15 $245



July 1-December 31September 15$245

*User Fees are mailed out to each customers on the billing date stated above.

**Parcel Tax is charged once a year and is incorporated into the property tax for each customer.

Current year budget information can be viewed here.