Can I opt out of the pick-up program?
All eligible residents are required by bylaw to participate in the pick-up program and can't opt out. This ensures that costs per household are kept as low as possible and broad participation is encouraged. Only those with Farm Status on their property may request an exemption from the program. Call the Recycling Hotline at (250) 746-2540 or email to request an exemption (must be able to supply Notice of Assessment showing active farm status).

Show All Answers

1. Can I opt out of the pick-up program?
2. Why wasn't my recycling/garbage collected?
3. I just moved. How do I get my recycling and garbage picked up?
4. Where can I get my recycling or garbage pick-up schedule?
5. What can I put in the blue recycling tote?
6. Why can't I put glass and film plastic in the blue recycling tote?
7. I just built a house. How do I get my recycling and garbage picked up?
8. How is the curbside pick-up program funded?