Facility Licencing

Any person wanting to operate a municipal solid waste and/or recycling facility within the Cowichan region must first obtain a Waste Stream Management Licence from the CVRD, as per Bylaw No. 2570, Waste Stream Management Licencing Bylaw. The bylaw helps to ensure that waste and recycling facilities do not negatively impact communities nor the environment. The CVRD is one of only three jurisdictions in BC that offers waste stream management licencing. 

Apply for a Facility Licence

New applicants are advised to allow up to six months for the application process to be completed (certain applications and operations may take longer). All facilities must also comply with all applicable federal, provincial and municipal regulatory requirements. For example, a person wishing to operate a commercial composting facility must have land zoned to permit this use and must also comply with the provincial Organic Matter Recycling Regulation requirements.

Licenced Facilities

There are currently two licenced facilities in the CVRD:

Licenced Facility Reports